
World trip in 150 days- Project

Without any time constraints and with two passions in my heart (Traveling and Photography), I've planned a trip of about 5 months using a “Round the World” ticket, while complementing with other tickets, in order to get to know the following locations: Vietnam / Cambodia / Laos / Singapore / Java / Bali / Flores / Sulawesi / Australia / New Zealand / San Francisco / Chicago / Toronto.

This World Trip has the main goal of deepening the Experience of Travelling with a special focus on the potential interactions with the Local Populations of such distant Locations!

I'm mainly interested in the way that these Populations celebrate Love and Death, since I believe the first to be our main drive to all our actions and the latter our inevitable fate … (even though we frequently procrastinate over it)

When I talk about love, I mean that loving feeling developed between two beings that shared a “family” history … or that shared a “family” history without any loving bond ...

Unknown factors … Eventual solutions for Happiness … or of Indiference / Submission / Acceptance … or simply, unshakable serenity …

All themes that deeply interest me!

DREAM as much as you can, so you can REALIZE whatever you can!

"Text does not use AI tools"


Month n-1:


Learn, at least, 2 words in the local dialects (eg. “hello” and “thank you”);

Take all necessary doctor appointments and necessary prescriptions;

Guarantee the travelers registry in the Portuguese Communities portal;

Book the necessary accommodations both for the first leg of the trip (with transfer from the airport to the hotel) and in Auckland so it will make it easier the shipment of winter clothing;

Pick and get the most adequate travelling insurance (IATI – I chose the “Estrela” option;

Get all the necessary visas in advance;

Get american dollars (the $1 bills are quite useful);

Create checklists regarding: Clothing / hygiene products / medicine and first aid / Gear / Documents;


Inform my banc account manager of my trip;

Create and publish this website;

Month n-2:


Buy the Round the World ticket;

Plan the trip in order to make the most out of  the Round the World ticket;

Do some proper reading on extensive traveling and travelers (eg, " O Mundo é fácil " from Gonçalo Cadilhe and " A arte de viajar sem rede " from Carlos Pateira);


Do the maintenance of all my cameras with dedicated professionals;

Suspend all extra services of daily life (eg, gym and housekeeping).

Month n-3:


Analyze the conditions of the Round the World ticket;

Identify which countries to include in this trip;

Check out travel guides of these countries and their respective maps;

Brainstorm with friends that have already visited these countries;

Create a table in order to organize better the information on each country. From procedures to guarantee safe passage all the way to all the points of interest in each one of them;


Renew my passport;

Guarantee the medical check-up including one at the dentist;

Take necessary vaccines;

Get a WISE bank card;

Design this website.

Month n-4:

DREAM with the trip!

Special thanks

To my little boy for his never ending support on the realization of this project;

To Joaninha and Taira, for their expressed admiration on chasing this Dream;

To my nieces Lúcia, Mariana and Matilde for their enthusiasm while planning this trip;

To Madalena and the remaining Tagarelas for helping out in improving my english (it will never be great ...);

To Ana Carla for making me aware of all safety issues and helping out in designing this project;

To Henrique for his recommendations on risk mitigation regarding traveling;

To my fellow travelers São & João, Alberto and Pedro for sharing their experiences;

To Mena, Raphael and Boteta for all the suggestions and help regarding the website;

And to so many other friends for their words of encouragement regarding this adventure!