In the kingdom of Thailand, the picturesque can be expensive...
As I couldn`t flight to Hanoi, I needed to change my flight... but they couldn't do that...
Therefore, without a changed ticket, without a visa, without a suitcase and without winter clothes to enjoy Istanbul, I decided to travel to Bangkok using a super cheap ticket!
Decision made, arrival early in the morning!
Without anything planned, I started to book accommodation in the city and having verified that the price of the corresponding transfer was higher than the average price charged (according to the information available on the internet), I decided to venture into public taxis!
My driver spoke rudimentary English, so I was unable to negotiate an acceptable price, worse: I didn't understand the estimated value for the service...
However, the taxi was very peculiar: its roof was completely filled with banknotes carefully preserved in plastic and its dashboard supported an authentic sanctuary filled with statuettes of gods and goddesses, as well as a photo of the owner in his version from far away in time.
Although my taxi driver's English was very poor, I made an effort to maintain a conversation... until I heard a Madame uuu...arii bitifuliiiiii... (I never will be able to say again the word correctly)
And when my driver pointed to the GPS with his pinky with oversized rings (one of them with the shape of a strupa buddhist ,,,), I realized that I had arrived at my destination!
I paid what was indicated on the meter plus 150 Baths (I don`t know why?), which represented almost €5 more compared to the price I would paid if I had contracted the service via hotel...
Worse: It wasn't on the right street!
Fortunately, a young receptionist at a hostel showed me the right direction: a street parallel to that one, but separated by a complex of temples...
Bangkok, 07.02.2025